Daily News of Myanmar Spring Revolution Jul 8 2024

Military News (Battle News Release)

Battle News Release

  • The People’s Defense Force (Mandalay) continues to launch offensives against designated military targets within Singu Township.
  • As of now, the PDF has successfully captured the Shwepyi Police Station, Lapanhla Police Station, Kyitaukpauk Base, Kantaw Base, and Pinlaekyi Base. Including six previously captured bases, the total number of seized junta military bases within Singu Township has reached 11.
  • During the Singu operations, the PDF managed to capture 15 individuals, including Deputy Commander Lt. Col. Hlaing Htun Aung (OTC-19) from the Thabeikkyin Township forces. Several soldiers from the Pyusawhti militia also surrendered and defected.
  • Additionally, a large cache of weapons and ammunition, including supplies dropped by the junta’s air force, was seized.
  • The People’s Defense Force (Mandalay) has received logistical support from the People’s Defense Force in Singu Township during these operations.

Command Headquarters
People’s Defense Force (Mandalay)

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